GEORGE - A complex and emotional Jack Russell Terrier (otherwise known as 'The Sickbag' by Simon*) adopted from Battersea Dogs home by:-

PHILIPPA - (or 'Pips' to George), late 30's, single, lives in Islington, works as a P.A. for:-

SIMON* - Director of the company, late 30's. Otherwise known as 'The Tosser' by George.

FREDDIE - West Highland Terrier, George's best friend and owned by:-

TERRY - who lives nearby

RUTHIE FIELDS - Cairn Terrier who is walked in the neighbouring gardens by her owner:-

ELLIOT - widower, late 70's, American

Following on from last week's episode...


Hundred and Thirty Six

How about 'Rumour has it' with the very wonderful Jennifer Aniston?
'George can you get out of the middle of the shop. You're tripping everyone up as usual'.
Not really Pips because as I have told you I can't see the titles of the films if I stand/
'Just move over by the door. Oh God George I don't know what to choose'.
How about 'The Holiday' with the terrific Cameron Diaz?
'And the supper is going to be burnt if we don't make a decision soon'.
Well why do you always put the supper in the oven before we come to the DVD shop? You know you can't make a decision in less than 45 minutes but you never learn Pips.
'OK George it's decision time. We could go for a french film/'
No no no no no no no! Not a french film Pips! I have not come to the DVD shop this evening to rent a boring french film. No way Jose!
'Or we could go for a recent release. I really miss going to the cinema George. I've hardly been at all since I got you'.
Well I'm not stopping you. I would be thrilled to go to the Screen on the Green with you but you never ask.
'I wonder what 'A bout de souffle' is like'.
How about 'Lara Croft: Tomb Raider' with the fabulous Angelina Jolie Pips? No?.... Or.....
'OK I'm going to get this George. I've never seen it and it's one of the most important films of the nouvelle vague'.
Since when have you cared about the nouvelle va/
'George get away from the door. Someone is trying to get in. Oh Terry it's you!'
'Sorry, we're blocking the doorway'.
It's not my fault Freddie. Pips/
'Hi Philippa. Hi George'.
'How are you Terry?'
Freddie Freddie Freddie Freddie/
'It was glandular fever'.
'No! Really? Are you OK?. My God you've got a few films there!'
'This is everything I watched while I was ill'.
Freddie Freddie Freddie Freddie Freddie Freddie Fre-DDIE!
'Calm down George'.
'We watched the entire Fellini collection didn't we Freds? And then we went onto Almodovar'.
Pips wants to get out a french film but nothing happens in them as you know Freddie.
'Nothing happens in Fellini either George. And Terry's watched them all a hundred times. I fall asleep'.
Well it's selfish Freddie it really is. I do nothing but make suggestions and now suddenly it's all about the nouvelle vague.
'Are you still on for Elliot's birthday tea next Saturday?'
She does it deliberately.
'Sure. How are we getting there? I thought we could all get a taxi together/'
'and I'll pay'.
'Ssssh George. That's a really good idea. Do you want me to book it?'
'No I can do it/'
'So what's happening here? You want to take out this film?'
'Yes I'm sorry, we're holding up the queue'.
'Can I just drop these films back?'
'OK well I'll let Elliot know that's what we're doing'.
'Great. And I'll call you'.
'Yes let's speak in the week'.
'See you next week George'.
See you Freddie. WE'RE GOING/
'George shut up for God's sake'.

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