GEORGE - A complex and emotional Jack Russell Terrier (otherwise known as 'The Sickbag' by Simon*) adopted from Battersea Dogs home by:-

PHILIPPA - (or 'Pips' to George), late 30's, single, lives in Islington, works as a P.A. for:-

SIMON* - Director of the company, late 30's. Otherwise known as 'The Tosser' by George.

FREDDIE - West Highland Terrier, George's best friend and owned by:-

TERRY - who lives nearby

RUTHIE FIELDS - Cairn Terrier who is walked in the neighbouring gardens by her owner:-

ELLIOT - widower, late 70's, American

Following on from last week's episode...



Work is overrated Pips it really is especially when I have no opportunity to pursue my passion for stationery. I miss it, I really do.
‘It wasn’t there on Friday George’.
Can you hand in your notice and get another job where they have an opening for a stationery manager such as myself?
‘It must be a Banksy’.
Just say ‘I resign you tosser’ and then we will be free.
‘Peeing on it was unnecessary George...’.
I felt a sudden urge to add my own contribution Pips. That is all. If Banksy can paint the wall so can I.
‘This is what I love about London George. You never know what’s going to turn up next’.
Pips Pips! I’ve just had a terrific idea! Perhaps I can be a street artist like Banksy. I could be known simply as Georgy.
‘This last walk of the day is always my favourite....’
You’re not listening to me as usual are you?
‘just before bedtime when the air is still and the streets are quiet/’
Apart from the sirens on Upper Street.
‘and the windows are lit up and we can look into people’s living rooms’
Or their basement kitchens in my case actually.
‘and there’s no-one around except me and you’.
And the crocuses are coming ou/
‘GEORGE NO! Don’t bite the head off the flowers!’
‘Ssssh George, it’s late. Some people are trying to sleep’.
You should have thought about that before you shouted at me.
‘I don’t trust you around plants anymore. Not since you started digging up bulbs’.
But they are only bulbs Pips. I would never harm the pretty flowers. They smell of spring. They do!
‘Oh look George. There’s a plane passing in front of the moon. Can you see it?’
I can Pips yes.
‘You know what? I think it’s time we flew away again somewhere’.
Really? That would be terrific!
‘Where would you like to go?’
We could go to Barcelona again. I would very much like to meet up with Conchita/
‘How about Italy?’
Freddie says Italy is full of lovely girls too/
‘Terry knows of some hotels that would take you’.
so I would be thrilled to go there also.
‘Or is that a bit sad? Just another obvious distraction’.
What do you mean?
‘Oh George sometimes I think life is just a series of distractions to keep the loneliness at bay’.
I don’t see what that has to do with going on holiday.
‘Or maybe that’s just me. Do you ever feel lonely George?’
Only when you don’t listen to me. Which is most/
‘I always think that if I was in a relationship/’
No don’t get started on that Pips don’t get started!
‘it would be different. But then you see these couples in restaurants sitting through a whole meal without saying a word to each other so....... then again, if anyone overheard me talking to you they’d probably thank God they’re not me’.
Why would they do that?

‘I’ve suddenly gone on a Sunday evening downer thinking about work tomorrow George’.
Don’t think about it Pips. Put some music on. It will make you feel better.
‘I need some music. Let’s play some music’.
You listened to me Pips! You listened to me!
‘What do you feel like?’
I feel like Renee Fleming but as you still haven’t bought a CD of hers/
‘What about something jazzy?’
I think I feel like......
‘Or something pop-y?’
No I think I feel like/
‘Or something more....?
I think I very much feel like Enrique Iglesias Pips.
‘Oh look George! My old Roxy Music CD. Let’s listen to this. I’m putting this on............ I haven’t played it in ages’.
It’s not one of those ones that’s going to bring back memories and make you teary is it?
‘This is my favourite song George. Listen to this..... I’m turning it up really loud.... ‘
Not too loud Pips.
‘I love this...’
People are trying to sleep.
‘Come on George. Let’s dance and forget about Monday’.
I’m dancing Pips, I’m dancing...

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